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Nursing Leadership Seminar


今年迎来了我们PCNA 四周岁生日。随着协会不断扩展,这次我们专门邀请了四位重量级嘉宾,分享他们作为领导者的素质核心--领导力。这些护理大咖们的经历都非比寻常。其中一位在短短15年内从一名急诊护士跃升为CHI Franciscan 首席营运官(COO),另一位是以NP身份担任Swedish 一间COVID诊所的leading provider,还有一位FNP正在Optum带领一支NP 团队。为庆祝PCNA 与WSNA (Washington State Nurses Association) 在2021年初正式签约成为合作伙伴,我们还非常荣幸地请来WSNA的主席,Dr. Sally Watkins, 帮助更多华人护士了解这个华州最大最权威的护理工会组织。通过这次大咖云集的线上活动,PCNA希望可以提升华人护士的专业知识、培养领导能力、以及使我们协会未来走得更远。

Would you like to hear the success story of an ER nurse becoming the COO of one of the largest health institutions in WA? Do you want to hear Dr. Sally Watkins, the executive director of WSNA, explaining to you the structure of WSNA and how it relates to the ethnic minority nursing community?

The Pacific-Northwest Chinese Nurses Association (PCNA) invites you to our upcoming seminar on nurse leadership with the hope to facilitate rich discussion on career development among the ethnic nursing communities.

On 3/6, 1-2:30 pm on Zoom, PCNA will welcome 4 guest speakers to share their nursing leadership experience and career-building insights. This is an all-in-English event. The meeting will not be recorded.

Time: Saturday, 3/6,1-2:30 pm

Location: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 976 1696 4048 One tap mobile +12532158782,,97616964048# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,97616964048# US (Houston)

全英讲座 All-in-English Event

嘉宾#1: Dino Johnson, RN, BSN, MHA Chief Operating Officer CHI Franciscan Health

Dino是St. Francis 医院首席营运官(COO)。他卓越的领导能力让他从一名急诊室护士,在15年里以火箭的速度晋升到了医院的首席营运官.

Dino Johnson is the chief operating officer of St. Francis Hospital. Johnson is responsible for directing the operations of the hospital along with implementing strategy and growth of services within the community.

Johnson joined CHI Franciscan in 2005 as a bedside nurse within the Emergency Services department. Over the course of the next fifteen years Johnson has held progressive leadership positions as a nurse educator, process improvement consultant, manager of emergency services, director of emergency services, and chief nursing officer prior to becoming chief operating officer.

Johnson received his bachelor’s degree in nursing from Pacific Lutheran University and master’s degree in Healthcare Administration from the University of Washington.

嘉宾#2: Boyou Yun, MSN, ARNP COVID Universal Response Clinic leading provider Swedish Medical Group

Boyou在2013年毕业于Seattle University护理硕士学位,目前在Seattle University继续深造DNP。她从事FNP有七年之久,之前在Swedish Medical Group 工作了三年半的时间,曾任Swedish Mercer Island Primary Care 的一名FNP。自2020年始,她在Swedish Pine Lake Universal Response Clinic 担任COVID诊所的总指挥。

“I am a family nurse practitioner with 7+ years of experience. I completed my Master of Science in Nursing at Seattle University in 2013 and am currently in the process of getting my Doctorate in Nursing Practice at Seattle University as well.

I have been with Swedish Medical Group (SMG) for the past 3.5 years. My primary clinic is Swedish Mercer Island Primary Care, but I have also been working at the Swedish Pine Lake Universal Response Clinic, which is one of the clinics that Swedish opened in response to COVID-19 in 2020. Prior to Swedish, I worked for Valor Healthcare for the Department of Veteran Affairs in primary care for about 3 years.

In partial fulfillment of my doctoral degree, I have been working on a quality improvement project to provide mentorship to newly hired nurse practitioners and physician assistants at Swedish. The Advanced Practice Clinician (APC) Mentorship Program officially launched in early 2021. It is my hope that this program will help to advance the APC culture at Swedish.”

嘉宾#3: Nicole Loosbrock, ARNP, FNP-BC, ACHPN Clinical Service Manager Optum

Nicole 在1999年的时候取得了生物专业的本科学士学位。在2001年,她意外得知哥哥患有白血病。在整个治疗中Nicole感受到了护理给她的家人和哥哥带来很多的帮助,这也使得她想成为一名护士。Nicole从事医护工作已有十年余载。她专攻癌症学和临终关怀护理,以减轻患者疼痛,提高生活质量,同时也取得了这方面专业的证书。随后,她又获得了家庭护理医师FNP的执照。目前,Nicole在Optum旗下的长期护理院工作,负责带领NP团队,同时在创建一系列关于临终关怀的NP培训教程。

Nicole graduated in 1999 with a bachelor’s degree in Biology. In 2001, her younger brother was diagnosed with leukemia. The compassionate care that he and her family received during his illness inspired Nicole to pursue a career in nursing. Nicole worked as a registered nurse for ten years in oncology, cardiology and the ICU before obtaining her FNP degree. As an NP, Nicole received her hospice and palliative care certification and has specialized in working with patients in the last years of their lives. Currently, Nicole leads a team of nurse practitioners who work in the long-term care and assisted living settings. She continues her service and interest in palliative medicine, and is on a committee to develop a comprehensive Palliative care education program for Optum Nurse Practitioners. A lifelong learner, she believes that leadership is not defined by one’s role but rather by their actions.

嘉宾#4: Sally Watkins, PhD, RN Executive Director WSNA

为庆祝PCNA 与WSNA在2021年初正式签约成为合作伙伴(Affiliated Partners),这次活动特意邀请WSNA的主席来为我们华人护理协会介绍协会的架构,愿景,以及如何帮助华人护理群体更加了解护士工会的价值和权益。

WSNA 华盛顿州护理协会拥有17,000 多名会员,其中代表了在华盛顿州生活和工作的103,000多名注册护士。该协会代表护士们与雇主,州机构和州立法机关一同成功倡导更好的工作条件,平等安全的员工补偿。一百多年来,WSNA 一直在支持护士们,帮助提高他们的专业水平和改善家庭以及个人的健康。

The Washington State Nurses Associ­a­tion (WSNA) provides repre­sen­ta­tion, resources and educa­tion that allow nurses to reach our full profes­sional poten­tial and focus on caring for patients and our communities.

WSNA has more than 17,000 members and repre­sents the profes­sional inter­ests of more than 103,000 regis­tered nurses who live and work in Washington. We leverage the collec­tive voice of nurses to success­fully advocate with employers, state agencies and the state Legis­la­ture for better working condi­tions, safe staffing fair compen­sa­tion and patient safety.

For more than 100 years, WSNA has champi­oned issues that support nurses, advance profes­sional standards and improve the health of individ­uals and families in Washington state.

Schedule breakdown:

1-1:05 Introduction 1:05-1:25 Dino Johnson & 5min Q&A 1:25-1:45 Boyon Yun & 5min Q&A 1:45-2:05 Nicole Loosbrock & 5min Q&A 2:05-2:25 Sally Watkins & 5min Q&A 2:25-2:30 Recap




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